Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Conclusion....for now.

Well, I have to admit, blogging is not that bad. I actually think I will continue in my spare time because I really don't keep a journal. The problem is spare time. This semester I took 17 credits and 7 of them were math and engineering classes. I've definitely learned my lesson of how much I can actually handle. As you can see I've only done the minimum amount of blog entries required for the class, but it's not because I don't like the blog. It's a great way to easily record your life through pictures, videos and text. I've learned that although I have all of these experiences and thoughts stored in my head, one day they will be gone. I want my kids and wife to have a record of funny times, great lessons learned and things of that sort to go through as I get older and lose my memory. My wife has taught me that visual rhetoric really does matter. The way colors go together does affect the attractiveness of a piece, whether it be art of text. I do know it's important now, but I still need some practice with it, as you can probably tell. One thing I liked about the blog was being able to record feelings and thoughts that are sometimes hard to express. There isn't always an appropriate time to talk about lessons learned in life but if I post them on the blog then my children and wife may read them at their own leisure. I guess now I'll conclude my conclusion (ha ha). Overall I liked the blogging experience and I am glad I was forced to do it through an assignment. I would never have tried it out because I figured it was only for girls. Thanks Sis. Steadman for helping me find something new that I like to do and that will help my posterity in the future! 

1 comment:

  1. It looks like your have your required posts in here. I think the green color may be too dark to see your text as well.
    Thanks for your contributions in class!
